Cotto has been camping out at the Fight Factory Gym in Tampa since the third week of September although he had actually started working out in his native Puerto Rico as early as August after vacationing in the Dominican Republic. ..... In a recent interview with The Ring, Arum said the following: "I don't think [Pacquiao-Mayweather] will happen within the next year because of all of Mayweather's posturing, the trash talk. That impedes any realistic negotiations. ...
Morning from bRingarum/b. At 5/12/09 10:18 fm, Anonymous kim n said... God morron! Nana Maskouri ???? At 5/12/09 10:18 fm, Blogger Vonkis said... Zanza67 Det m?ste du absolut göra om du har snö hos dig. Aggie Ja just s? heter hon ja! Tack. b..../b Det är väl klart som fan att det blir S?HÄR efter allt snusk och slask fördumningsmedialiteten vräker ut över oss allihop, i synnerhet dendär äckliga smittspridningspropagandaserien för knullslafs i fyllan och villan PARADISE bHOTEL/b. ...